A series of three development camps were held at the Lake Placid Olympic Training Center Sept. 21-Oct. 5 with a total of 78 athletes and 37 coaches from across the country. The purpose of these development squads is to provide elite training opportunities as professional development for coaches working with skilled young rhythmic gymnasts.

Athletes and coaches had the opportunity to work with 2007 World Champion and 2-time Olympic Bronze Medalist Anna Bessonova – a master of technique, quality, and amplitude. She inspired athletes and coaches alike. Anna joined USA National Staff Lana Lashoff, Galina Burns, Sonya Yankova, Amanda Scully, and Christina Brown for a well-rounded and educational experience.

A main goal of the camps was improvement in the quality of body and apparatus technique, including caring for the gymnasts’ bodies through correct, effective integration of sports performance complexes. During routine review, there was a focus on improving connections between elements, ensuring identifiable character of movement throughout each routine, reviewing choice of elements, and building amplitude.

Interested in attending a USA Gymnastics camp with your athletes? All are welcome at the upcoming 2018 Rhythmic Open Camp. The Open Camp will be held November 29-December 3 at the Lake Placid Olympic Training Center.

The 2018 Rhythmic Open Camp will be a great development opportunity for both individual and group gymnasts and their coaches. There will be a group component to the camp this year to encourage growth of the group program in the United States and aid coaches in preparing for the 2021 required group routines. However, this camp remains an extremely valuable training opportunity for individual athletes also! 2018 Open Camp Staff will include Elena Savenkova, Galina Burns, Alex Anatska, and Dr. Mara Smith.