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Guidance to Maintain Parental Access to Practice and Adhere to Covid-19 Requirements

USA Gymnastics recognizes that event director and club administrators are committed to providing all participants with a safe environment and in a manner that follows both public health authorities and USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy.

We also recognize that it can be challenging to determine how to adhere to each policy, given the complexities that such regulations can pose to club operations and event production. Therefore, we have developed the following guidelines to help event directors and club administrators adhere to their local public health requirements and maintain compliance with USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy.

First and foremost, the USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy does not have the authority to circumvent local public health officials’ mandates, such as facial covering, social distancing, proof of vaccination, and/or testing requirements. Further, event directors and club administrators have the authority to enforce and require measures to provide participants with a safe environment.

However, the Parental Access to Practice policy is a requirement of the USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy. And it allows parents/guardians to monitor their child’s environment and view their growth in the sport.

Club administrators and event directors must adhere to this policy and implement alternative viewing options when public health regulations impact a facility’s traditional access to viewing.

A club administrator and/or event director is never permitted to eliminate access to viewing without an alternative viewing option.

All Alternatives Must:

  • Provide all parents/guardians equal and consistent access to their children.
  • Be communicated and provide an overview of viewing requirements.
  • Be prominently visible to all parents/guardians.
  • Be implemented to maintain compliance with local public health and safety measures.
  • Be reviewed periodically and is not permitted as a permanent policy for the sole purpose of limiting access to parents.

Permitted Alternatives Include:

  • Assign club monitors to watch practice and communicate with the parents unable to attend.
  • Utilize closed-circuit broadcast or live stream for purposes of viewing.
  • Utilize the Safety Champion to communicate one-on-one with parents unable to attend.
  • Encouraging unvaccinated parents/guardians to provide a vaccinated proxy (other family member or friend) to attend practice or events when vaccinations are mandated by either public health regulations and/or venue requirements.
  • Respectfully request families who cannot adhere to current public health guidance and/or mandates to "take a gym break" from gym activities until they can comply and/or public health guidance and/or mandates are modified by local officials.
  • Develop a rotating parent viewing schedule that allows for proper social distancing.
  • Limit attendance to one parent per family to maintain social distancing.

For further questions or clarifications, please contact Shelba Waldron, at [email protected].