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Feedback wanted! Deadline Feb. 2

The T&T Development Committee is asking for your feedback again! Over the next 15 months, the Development Committee will be working hard to create routines used for the 2025-2028 quad. The first step in this project is to collect information on the current program.

The feedback form linked in this communication contains space to provide your thoughts about the current routines and requirements. You can provide as little or as much detail as you like. You can complete this anonymously or by name. The feedback provided will be used to focus in on areas that are positive as well as needing change, and help shape the fundamentals of the Development Program so that it continues to work well and benefit USA Gymnastics T&T.

Click here to complete the feedback form.

This feedback opportunity will close February 2nd, 2024. The survey is available to everyone. If you had filled out a survey similar to this one last fall, we ask that you please fill it out again so we can make sure we get everyone’s feedback.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important piece of work.